

I recently got an email from my radio station content director that encouraged me to think more about the way I create content for my listeners.

As I radio DJ I prepare 6 original 2 minute pieces of content each day for my three-hour radio show. And when it comes to producing this amount of fresh, original content it’s not always easy. As you’d know, original thinking becomes tougher when deadlines are looming and there’s no deadline like “I’m on air in 2 minutes….aghhhhh!”

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In todays video I’ll teach you how to get broadcast quality sound for your podcast without having to fork out the big $$$$ for high end software

Using the free editing software Audacity, I walk you through the essential things you need to know about equalisation and compression to get your audio sounding hot, quickly and easily.

So next time you make a podcast be sure to add compression and equalisation to get that professional sound!

To get started on your own professional sounding podcast  download a copy of Dan’s new FREE report “Podcast Like A Radio DJ”. Get it here!


The secret to creating truly captivating podcast content is to know what your audience wants and then serve it up!  A common mistake that I see content creators make is thinking that THEY are the ones to judge what’s good content or not.

Wrong. It’s the audience that judge the strength of your podcast content, not you. They do this by how many times an episode is downloaded, listened to, subscribed to etc.

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To get started on your own professional sounding podcast  download a copy of Dan’s new FREE report “Podcast Like A Radio DJ”. Get it here!